Corns, Callouses, and Bunions.

Foot CornsWhat is a corn?

Corns on the foot are annoying and sometimes painful. They appear in as a circular shape and similar to that of a callous, forms a thickened area of skin, localised to a part of the foot.

What causes a corn? 

Corns typically come from excessive pressure on the foot. It causes thickening to occur as a result of the bodies natural defense mechanism that strengthens the skin in areas of friction or excessive pressure. Deformities in the feet and improper footwear are typical causes for foot callouses.

Treating a corn.

Whilst there are many remedies for treating corns of the foot, its important to treat the underlying issue. Campbelltown City Podiatry can assist in identifying the cause of your corns and provide you with the correct treatment plan.


Foot CallousesWhat is a callous?

Callouses on the foot are annoying and in some cases a very painful condition whereby a part of the foot has formed a thickened area of skin. Typically this occurs in an area of excess pressure.

What causes  callouses?

Callous (Hyperkeratosis) simply means thickening of the skin. This thickening occurs as a natural defense mechanism that strengthens the skin in areas of friction or excessive pressure. Deformities in the feet and improper footwear are typical causes for foot callouses.

Treating Callouses

Whilst there are many remedies for treating callouses of the foot, its important to treat the underlying issue. Campbelltown City Podiatry can assist in identifying the cause of your Callouses and provide you with the correct treatment plan.

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Foot Nunions

What are bunions? 

A bunion is a foot deformity which is typically characterised by a deviation of the bones around the big toe joint. 

As a result there is a large bony lump on the inside of the foot and the toe is pointed across towards the smaller toes. 

Painful  bunions seem to be more of a common problem in women which is attributed to ill fitting footwear. 

What causes bunions? 

There are many factors that can contribute to  bunions. Most commonly these factors can include genetic factors, poor foot mechanics, narrow or tight footwear, wearing high heels and trauma to the toe. 

Treating  bunions 

The first most important step when it comes to treating  bunion symptomology  is wearing appropriate footwear. Wearing comfortable and supportive  footwear can help reduce stress and slow down its progression. Our podiatrist can assist you in selecting the most appropriate footwear for your feet and if required Orthotic Therapy may be suggested. 

Sometimes surgical intervention may be required if the deformity is considered too severe. Surgical intervention may be considered after all conservative measures are exhausted. 


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